Over The Wire Tutorial - Bandit - Level 0

Over The Wire - Bandit

Bandit is the basic for other wargames. It includes basic terminal operations in linux. It has 34 Levels. An expert can takes maximum 30 minutes to complete all these levels because it is so simple exercises for the experts . But for the beginners it is very useful and fun. Before using my solution please try to solve it yourself.

Level -0

Level 0 is the entry level in which you want to connect with the ssh port and log into it. here we have the following info:-

Host address: bandit.labs.overthewire.org
Port              : 2220
Username    : bandit0
Password     : bandit0
Goal             : connect using ssh

here we are used the following command to establish the ssh connection

ssh bandit0@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220

following this command you will be asked for the password. here the password is bandit0