ARP SPOOFING - Bettercap Basics - Part 2

Bettercap is the tool used for Arp spoofing attacks. 
To install bettercap:
apt-get install bettercap
To run bettercap:
This is the bettercap window.  To get the list of commands, type help
Arp spoofing bettercap - help
Arp spoofing bettercap - help

Now we can run a arp spoofing attack using bettercap. For this we need specify the interface which we want to attack. Here I attacking the eth0 interface, So the following command is required to run bettercap.
bettercap -iface eth0
bettercap -iface eth0
We discussed about the help menu before. In there you will see so many modules . To get the uses and options of these modules we can run the command help <module name> 
For example:
Bettercap - help arp.spoof
Here we got the help options for arp.spoof module.
Bettercap - help net.probe
By using net.probe module we will get the all connected network in our interface. For that we need to start this module.
net.probe on
Bettercap - net.probe on
Now it started probing on all possible IP's on the network. to view the connected networks just type the following command:

Bettercap -