Cloning a website using wget

Today we are discussing about the cloning of websites. For that I'am using kali linux.You can use any Linux distribution. So get started....
cloning website using kali
First create a folder. here I'am created a folder named website.
Next step is open terminal.
cloning website using kali
For cloning we are using the command 'wget'. So first we can check the options available in wget by using the command ,
wget -h
cloning a website using kali
cloning a website using kali
cloning a website using kali
cloning a website using kali
cloning website using kali
cloning a website using kali

In the above pictures we can understand the options available in 'wget'. To clone a website first we need to change the directory to our website directory.

cloning a website using kali

Now we need a website for cloning. I'm here using the website ""
we use the command,
wget -mk
cloning website using kali

Now check the folder.


here we got all the files and folders inside including its index.html. By using this we can fake the local network as google .com and retrieve the data of others. use this information only for educational purposes.