Windows 10 Virtual Box Installing

Windows providing us free virtual machine of windows 10. So first download it from the below link.
Windows 10 vm installing

From here select VirtualBox.
After Downloading the file extract and open it.
Then it will automatically open into the Virtual Box.
Windows 10 VM installing
Then it will ask for import the above settings into your Virtual machine, click import.
Windows 10 VM installing
Then your Virtual Machine is ready. before running it check the settings and set it to the correct configuration which is according to your system.
Windows 10 VM installing
I set the RAM into 2GB because I have only 6GB RAM.
windows 10 virtual box installing
Network set into NAT because it helps to pen testers to check network hacking inside the virtual box. It concider the all VM's in a single network.
windows 10 virtual box installing
Now click Start.
windows 10 VM installing
We are done. Windows is loading.
windows 10 vm installing
The Password is "Passw0rd!"
windows 10 vm installing
This VM will expire in 90 days. So take a snapshot for further use.
windows 10 VM installation
Select snapshot > Take
Windows 10 VM installation
Give a Name and Description to the Snapshot.
windows 10 vm installing
That's it. Now enjoy your Windows 10 VM after 90 days click on the snapshot and click start.